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Sunday, June 27, 2010


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You pose many thoughtful questions to think about.

I love these unusual insects and their Latin name, Mantis religiosa.


Now that you mention it, it does look a lot like a green cockroach! Oh, I will never consider a praying mantis to be beautiful again! Great photo though.


We call it Bogomol. Praying to God. And it is first time I see this insect thanks to you.
Great photo. And the text is so deep.

Jane Mitchell

Love your play on words.


I love mantids; they are one of the more unique insects. And anything that eats garden pests is a good thing in my book! Love the green on green; that's an excellent capture!


i love to watch these amazing insects...
the way that they turn their heads and watch me back.
it's fascinating!

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