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« Askew! | Main | Summer Solstice Event at Arboretum »

Friday, June 18, 2010


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Ahhh... a rainbow! Did you find the pot o' gold? ;)

Happy Friday!


Such a gorgeous rainbow.

Grace Olsson

last month I saw a rainbow and cried...it was marvelous...


Jane Mitchell

"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky: So it was when my life began; So it is now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, or let me die!"

Greensboro Daily Photo

Ahhh Jane. So happy to have evoked a little William Wadsworth so early in the day!



Your weather sounds very much like Ocala weather! But it's only going to be 94 today. Love the rainbow! Unusually bright colors.

Re Askew - thanks for the info. I should know all about it, 'cause I've been askew for a long, long time!


I love rainbows, you took great picture of it!


This is a wonderful capture!

EG Wow

Ah, to capture a rainbow! Did you find a pot of gold at the end?


Beautiful shot! And you got blue sky for the background. Thanks for the comparison to Forbes. No one has ever told me that. And I certainly lack his talent in financial endeavors!


Beautiful rainbow photo, very nice composition

Regards, Bram

Tracy - West Valley Daily Photo

We see so very few rainbows in Phoenix. This one is a beauty!

barbara farr

What a nice way to start the weekend.


It´s hard to catch a rainbow on a photo but you did it well!
And thank you so much for your nice comment on my blog!


So green and lush! Love the storm lighting and the rainbow! Did you see Finnian anywhere's about?

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