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« Summer Solstice Event at Arboretum | Main | Summer Solstice Event at Arboretum 2010 »

Sunday, June 20, 2010


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Your idea about Fathers Day is such a good one.

What a huge tree to go with the nice church.
We had a white wooden Methodist church in my neighborhood in Chicago and appropriately it was called The Country Church in the City.


I prefer small church communities myself, so this would be perfect. That tree is huge and magnificent! The church looks positively puny beside it.

Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there!

Janis Dority

That old Oak tree has grown up with the little church.Think of the picnics eaten on the ground it shades,the couples holding hands just a little ways from the church they would soon be married in,The games of tag played by kids just released from an hour of sitting still through services!
That is something the "Mega Churches " do not offer...history and a sense of time and place.
Wonderful photo. I need to get out and take some photos of our town churches. They have not all been gobbled up by the Mega's that are so popular here in So Cal.
Have a great Sunday afternoon!


Fantastic composition.

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