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« Third Friday @ Center City Park | Main | Fire Dancing Under the Azure Night Sky »

Friday, June 25, 2010


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Bill B

I could never do that. If I could do that, I'd never recover.

leif hagen

Looks like an interesting balancing act indeed! Stay cool!

EG Wow

My back aches just looking at that. I wish I were more flexible than I am. They are amazing!

Gwen Day

So elegant. It makes my muscles sore to just think of such movement and positions. Thanks for sharing.


Looks fun to watch...not so easy to do though!

Joe Todd

Must have been an interesting performance. 100 degrees is to hot. We have had some pretty warm weather in Ohio. I think the pool or beach is the way to go


I have to go on a diet. Asap.


Great shot! I like your rainbow picture too.

Claire from NY

THat's cool! I wish I could do that. My hubby will break his back, LOL!


Interesting events under your hot, blue skies! I hope this cool front reaches Greensboro.

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