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Saturday, June 12, 2010


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hip chick

Wow! What a cool car. I love, love, love that color!

leif hagen

I wouldn't mind a "joy ride" around town in that beauty! Even without license plates!


so shiny & beautiful in every way! Thanks for sharing!

barbara farr

Great car and I love that color. I don't know if I could live w/o an AC in the car. I guess you can retro-fit these old cars with modern amenities, but then you take away the charm.

I have a co-worker who travels alot for her job and she takes a Gumby doll with her to photograph in front of iconic structures, etc.

Have a great weekend, B


What a great car. It looks like very neat. Great shot.

J Bar

Cool car.


That is a beauty. We had a 57 Olds 4-dr hardtop that was a jewel, too. Those were real cars!

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