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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


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There were plenty of Ss (or Ses?) here, but the information about the water towers was perhaps the most interesting. I have learned something new, and that is never waisted.


I LOVE water towers! Especially THIS one: http://www.rogerogreen.com/2010/04/09/on-the-road-again/

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!

A Garden of Threads

Interesting post, the information on the water tower was great.


That's a lot of water.

Magical Mystical Teacher

tower of water
when the water falls—pressure,
gushing out of taps

barbara farr

Interesting post.

Your water tower is so well cared for compared to the neglected tower of my post yesterday.

Tandem kudzu posts could be fun. Sure of plenty of it here to photograph.


The tower looks a bit separately. Big brother is watching you. Interesting shot. And info, as usual.

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