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Friday, May 14, 2010


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Amazing photo of the process of destructive progress! I feel a message here!


Okay that is so sad to see, trees being eliminated and replaced by man made resources. Same thing happens here, I often see green fields turned to commercial or business districts. Sad but true.


Sometimes progress is regress.


Hi Jan! Had the same kind of pipes near work a few months ago!

Sersed isn't a French word ;-)but if you take away the d, you get a lovely opera...


We had that going on all over Southern California in the '70s and in the last 15 years they (The home building mega giants) have been covering hillsides and back-filling canyons that were only ever meant to house coyotes and jack rabbits not people.
The little peep of lovely blue sky above your construction road actually would be annexed here if they could figure out a reason.
Lots of the sky over So Cal IS annexed , the Sky above the USMC and Air Force, Army and Navy bases is of course off limits but there are also narrow "Flight paths " that civil aircraft must stay inside to avoid other airspace such as..DISNEYLAND! Yes it is true there is a no-fly zone above the Magic Kingdom! Only the Police helicopter may fly over and then only in the event of a request by Disneyland or a major emergency.
Hopefully the new area being developed near you will be done with some thought to the future.
Have a wonderful weekend~


Get ready for digging.
Thank goodness the sky can't be annexed.

Louis la Vache

What a fine blue sky. As you pointed out, growth has its price - and California is paying, paying, paying right now...


I guess there has to be a bit of mess in the name of progress. Thats the price of it all.

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