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Monday, May 03, 2010


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Cool shot. I'd like to go with a Segway too. It must be funny. I've heard about special tourist guides with Segways in Germany...


Ha, smoking and wearing shorts. And on a Segway, not something you would see where I live! Great snap.


Amazing looking vehicle! It looks like a toy in some ways or an upended push mower in others! But if it works safely, that's what really matters!

Greensboro Daily Photo

Please note, the officer is NOT smoking! I actually think that white line is something on the back of the building. I was talking to this officer. He was very respectful and did NOT have a cigarette in his mouth!


Jack Hart

Looks pretty stupid to me! (Not the officer himself...just him on a Segway.
Of course the Segway was a fad item that came and went years ago! What a waste of money!


He's cool! Happy MYM!

Liz @ MLC

Manang Kim

I saw that when we were in Mellinium Park, Chicago. It look very cool. Happy Monday!

BlueMonday~Blue socks


This kind of transportation looks unnatural. My eye still needs to get used to it.

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