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« Breakfast at Your House | Main | Memorial Day 2010 »

Sunday, May 30, 2010


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Interesting idea you propose.

Your purgatory here is not as bad as I had imagined it. (Not that I believe in it.)
Umm, isn't that a man-angel?

Bonjour Luxembourg

Different thought and idea to think about Purgatory as a bridge.
Happy Sunday


It's a very clinical shot. Strange to think of it as a bathroom - rather too comfortable!


I hope the UNDERcurrent Restaurant sees this interpretation of yours. :)


This was a very interesting post and shot.

Thanks for visiting mine and it was taken in Wilmington, NC. Where I shot it does remind me of New Bern so I can see how you thought that. When I was growing up my family had a vacation house at Oriental, NC so I'm very familiar with New Bern.

Louis la Vache

Hee hee! Clever take on Sunday Bridges! This is an example of why «Louis» left the definition of 'bridge' loose to encourage clever takes such as this on the meme!

«Louis» has asked Brent of Linky Tools to fix the thumbnail; awaiting results.


Sure makes me want to be good.

Jane Mitchell

When I saw this my first thought was of a doctor's office with its sterile look. That, too, can be a sort of purgatory/bridge to ________?

Blue Matias

interesting post coined in with bridges....nice one!

barbara farr

You're commentary along with your photo just about says it all.


Great post and photo. I hope my purgatory (I also love CDP for improving my English every day!) will look more like Leif's parties in Eagan.


Nice image.

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