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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


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Greensboro Daily Photo

Here is a photo of an active, Greensboro fire station:


#49 on Friendly Avenue.


Hootin' Anni

This is amazing...to see the old mixed in with the new architecture.

My Ruby Tuesday. I do hope to see you drop by for a visit with me today.

Auntie E

Don't you just love it when the builders build around the historical building? I love that in Philly and New York City. Love the photo and the history of it.
My Ruby Tuesday link for you Making life easier.


That is a lovely old building. It's too bad they don't build them like that anymore. What a stark contrast against the plain Marriott Hotel. That one looks like it was built in the 70's. Great selection for RT.

barbara farr

I love how the new structure wraps around the old. Striking contrast.

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