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« Purgatory, Inspired by Billy Cone | Main | Highway 68 »

Monday, May 31, 2010


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Abraham Lincoln

Sadly, I must confess, my Korean War Era Army summer or winter uniform are stored in the cedar chest. I can not get them on. Sometimes I pick up the old web belt and marvel at how small it is around the middle. I can still get my leg in it, all the way up to my thigh, but there is no way I could wear it around the middle.

barbara farr

I like your photo today (and am impressed that the uniform fits). My husband would not be able to get into his old uniforms, but then I can't fit into anything I wore in my early 20's (or 30's) either.


Yesterday, the VFW was outside the local Lowe's offering 'Buddy' poppies. I fondly remember my father explaining the meaning and donating money to get one for me every opportunity he had.

I repeated this for my youngest son, but I don't think it quite registered. I'll keep at it until he does :-)

Greensboro Daily Photo


Thanks for mentioning Buddy Poppies. I remember selling them as a child! Here is a link for those interested in more about the poppies:



A serene image of a brave man showing still pride of his uniform. The world would be a much worse thing now without the sacrifice of these courageous men and women.


Nice holiday photo. Thanks for visiting Astoria's 8th Street. Every other street does lead to water, with water on 3 sides, and a forest on a hill with no roads on the other.


There aren't too many Korean vets left, either! I was too young for Korea, but entered the Navy just after that "police action" ended. Korea was no fun for those involved.


Nice depiction of past intertwined with present.

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