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« Center City Park | Main | Froggie Went A Courtin' »

Friday, May 21, 2010


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Who knew?! So many amazing things about the magnolia!

suzi smith

Hola!! magnolias are beautiful aren't they.... interesting facts too, thank you!

Louis la Vache

Beautiful image of the magnolia!

In answer to your question about what that tree would say if it could talk, «Louis'» guess is that it would say "leave me alone!" That has got to be the most photographed tree in the country! ;-D

«Louis» invites you to join his Sunday Bridges series. The Bridge series posts at 0001 hrs central Europe time each Sunday.

Sharon Creech

Gorgeous! Magnolia trees are favorites of mine, and you've caught a beauty of a blossom here.


Ours are in bloom down here as well.


How beautiful! I love the contrast with the blue sky in the background.


The spring flowers are just amazing this year. Thanks for this beauty! We had magnolia trees in Corona, California, where I grew up, but I'm sure they feel more at home where you are! Thanks for your house comment on my Astoria blog - that I don't show very many houses. It's funny, because I take tons of house photos, then usually choose something else. I've kept your comment in mind and will include more. They are really fun. I have a house today, but it has been mangled with the ugly siding they used for so many decades.

barbara farr

Intersting information about Magnolias. I would like to plant one in my yard, but my husband doesn't like them for the very reason you mentioned.

ann chin, New Zealand

Having a reversed season, I can see your lovely magnolias when it is bleak here. Yesterday, it poured the whole day.

hip chick

Oh it's good to see what a magnolia tree looks like. I thought I a picture of one but I can see now that mine is something else. Perhaps I have some type of Dogwood. Either way they are both very pretty and the blossoms are so fleeting.


What an incredible photo! Such contrasts of texture and color. Fills my eyes--which is the greatest compliment I can give.

Thank you, by the way, for visiting my blog today--I have enjoyed your blog very much!

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