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Sunday, May 16, 2010


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What a fantastic picture! And how lucky you are to have a labyrinth always available!

I have twice walked a labyrinth (in Arkansas), a canvas copy of the Chartres one, but in a group. Would love to do it in solitude.
It is quite a spiritual experience.

Have you walked this one?


A very interesting labyrinth...which is, I think, another word for maze. I'm usually in a haze, running like a rat in a maze, which means quite confused! :-)

Beautiful photograph, though.


The labyrinth is such an ancient sacred item. This one is quite complex, and a beautiful design. I'd love to visit one in person.

pagan sphinx

My goodness but this is a stunning monochrome shot! Thank you.
And happy 100th to the church. :-)


This is a fabulous photograph...I love the perspective. How interesting this is. Beautiful.


marvelous composition


It's very nicely done with very cool benches. Nice photo.


That's a wonderful shot of the labyrinth. Great for monochrome.

I'm pretty sure that I have walked a labyrinth but ages ago. I have vague recollections of some in Europe that we visited a long time ago.

t. becque

That's cool! I bet kids love that.

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