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Saturday, May 15, 2010


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Great advertising idea for any business. I hope the inside is same bright as outside:-).
Thank you for all your comments. My commenting is inspired by the text of the post I read, so it is your merit.
I was surprised you know Russia/Moscow so good, now I see Georgia is also known subject. How?


What luck for Weekend Reflections that she had a mirror on the table.

Sorry, but I will never be able to see this "fashion accessory" as desirable. The religious Jewish attitude is that doing such things to the body is banned in the Bible.
You don't see many tattoos in Jerusalem.

Sure is a colorful photo though!


With those colorful tattoos, she can wear almost nothing and still look absolutely fantastic!



No, Versailles is definitely NOT a tattoo place. Very traditional, Roman Catholic city.


Very interesting reflection! I like (most) tattoos, but over time, the body absorbs the ink and they tend the loose they sharpness and color.


All that color looks fantastic in this beautiful photo. Nice reflection in the mirror also.


Hi, virtual neighbor— This is a great shot of a very "colorful" woman! (I have one tattoo on my ankle,
but must admit I can't really imagine taking it to this extreme.)


Very colorful... reminded me of some lovely body painting models my hubby photographed on a trip to Germany.

barbara farr

Interesting shot. I have a son who has spent mucho $$$ on tattoos. (I have thought about doing a series on him.) At first I was taken aback by the ink, but each one has a story and a reason; his form of self expression.

Thanks for you kind comments about the multiple blogs. It can be challenging and at this point in time the DCP blog is the one that gets the most attention.


mary taitt

I like this a lot, very interesting, another story starter for sure! :-D


What a beautiful interesting post. Great reflection

ken mac

great angle and colors! Thanks for comment back at my digs..I am always on the lookout and the search is ceaseless!

Magical Mystical Teacher

With tattoos on her arms and
flowers in her hair,
the Illustrated Woman
has stories to share.

(Does this work for you? Except for the flowers, of course!)


Reflection of the artful artist creating artistic art! Fantastic!!!

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