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Monday, May 24, 2010


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Jane Mitchell

As a regular viewer (reader) of this blog, I have waited a long time for this photo. Since it marks the founding of our city, it deserved to be near the beginning of the blog, IMHO. Still, I am glad it is finally up for all to see and appreciate. Thank you, GDP, for your photo that wasn't easy to get and for your clear explanation of our origins.


The Genesis Marker--that is very dramatic. Love the name.

It just so happens I answered your question in a post

Jerusalem is known as the center of the world, and there is a spot in Jerusalem known as its navel!

Katja Brown

I have been to a beautiful wedding that took place at Fisher Park. Had no idea that it's the geographic center of Guilford County and did not even notice the genesis monument while I was there. Thanks for making me aware of it!

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