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Saturday, May 22, 2010


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Cool looking frog. It is wonderful that you care about the critters habitat.


Wonderful capture of the frog's translucent skin! Fascinating! Seldom do we view a frog from directly underneath!


Great photo! We love to see the frogs in our gardens. Ours are just the regular green froggies, though! Nothing as exotic as your pretty creature. There haven't been as many in the past couple of years which is worrying.


Funny! We used to get tree frogs on our door, but we haven't had any for quite some time. There are still plenty of the bigger ground frogs and toads around though. I hope they eat all the mosquitos!

Greensboro Daily Photo

I really hope someone clicks through and listens to froggie went a courtin! It is too funny! Tex Ritter sings it right!



Some strange things have been happening to frogs in certain areas...like two extra legs, one big eye, etc. I think it's because of all the poisons we put into our ecosystems.

Glad you're doing a good job of helping to take care of these critters, and I love the photo--it does verily show the frog's vulnerability.

Have a great weekend!

Misty Dawn

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo!!! You seem very knowledgeable about these adorable critters. GREAT POST!

Iowa Gardening Woman

Great shot! I have been hearing frogs the past couple of weeks. Thanks for taking time to care for our wonderful world.


That's a great froggy shot. Love his little suckers.

Hootin' Anni

This is one super fantastic photo!!!

Baby Grackle

Jenn Jilks

Excellent work. And it is work, I know!


I enjoyed that perspective very much (and the information too). It looks like he is watching you :-)


this is so cute! I bet he is happy hanging out on your environment friendly property.
I don't use any pesticides either. I just don't trust them.


Wonderful shot! Amphibians are so important to the ecosystem and so many of them are now endangered. My zoo is active in Central American trying to save frogs. Where the frogs go, man will be sure to follow. :-(

barbara farr

We have an abundance of frogs and toads this year too. Must be all the rain we received that year. He's a cute one.


What a great encounter! And a fantastic photo!


So serious stare . No laughing mood for sure.
The perfect creature of mother-nature.


He looks absolutely intrigued with whatever he's looking at! Most likely the photographer, eh?! I think this is one of my favs for this weekend. This photo just fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.


I love how you take such good care of your froggies! And you made a super photo!

jabblog uk

Beautiful little frog. Our frog numbers (in our garden pond) have diminished in recent years - not helped by crows and magpies helping themselves to wriggling, squealing snacks.
I used to teach that song to various classes I taught - great fun!

Abraham Lincoln

Yep, it looks like the one I took once of a squirrel on our skylight. Don't you wonder what he is thinking? Maybe... if he is not a she, he might be thinking I wonder if she (you) is a frog?

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