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Saturday, May 08, 2010


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Hi Jan...this sounds like an interesting and worthwhile endeavor...and fun, too. Hope that it was a great success!

Re your comment on Ocala DP - You're quite prescient as Lois suggested heading to Panera Bread shortly after we lost the Internet. In fact, we were planning to do just that when the Internet suddenly reappeared!

Have a great weekend, Mother's Day, etc...


That is such a funky poster! And the event sounds like a fun way to support a very worthwhile charity and make some new friends too!

April and May are our summer months and theater groups don't have performances. This is their time for summer workshops, both for children and adults. Theater season will begin in June and July.


Jan, sounds like a wonderful community event to support. Do you host?

Thanks for your head's-up about the fainting goat! I had no clue and have subsequently added that information to today's post, as well as a link back to your blog.

Happy Mother's Day, by the way -:)



Lovely event and nice reflection photo,
Thanks for sharing the info.

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