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Friday, April 23, 2010


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This is so unusual! Nice!

Hey Jan, we have a new baby in Australia! yay

Gunn White



Fabulous colors!

Debbie@Like a Rose

What a unique and beautiful photo!


Fantastic shot. That belongs in a best of book.

I have replied to your question on VDP!

Have a great weekend!


That looks like pretty cramped quarters!

michael watson

You're right! This is magical!

barbara farr

I love the color. It is nice that a space that was probably not good for anything else used in such a creative way.


It is something I've never seen before - the blue is amazing. May be it looks like a waterfall when it is raining. Reminds me of those water amusement parks.

T. Becque

Interesting shot, love all the blue.

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