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« Tutu on Elm | Main | ...In with the New.... Newbridge Bank Park »

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


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Jane Mitchell

As usual, GDP is right on top of current local issues. Hoggard's plan for the stadium and farmers' market would be a show piece for the community and should receive consideration by the council.


I find it strange to have a stadium as a war memorial. Makes me wonder what the reasoning behind it originally was.

Auntie E

Knowing what a know about the baseball and the war time. I think It a a great choice for ruby Tuesday.
Baseball was a way to put the war thinking on hold, just for that time. It was a rough time in History. they should not destroy it, however our memories will keep it alive.

David Hoggard

Thanks for this, Jan.

Hilda... since you asked for the reasoning behind it...

This is what mayor Edwin Jeffress said on the day the stadium was dedicated in 1926:

"And so the stadium has been built by children’s and widows’ and wives’ and rich men’s wealth. It is here for the use of the coming generations; the soldier boys said they wanted no hollow granite, no useless monument to decorate our street corners, even no statuary or brass to remind us of those who have passed along after doing life’s full duty, but they wanted something that would be useful; that would help develop mind and body; that would in this way be a perpetual memorial to those who have passed…, that those of us who follow should use our best efforts to make ourselves physically fit to answer any emergency;…; and when the call to duty comes, answer with a clear, strong voice, ‘We are ready to do our bit.’

Pay special attention to: "...that would in this way be a perpetual memorial to those who have passed."

"Perpetual" used to mean something that today's "out with the old, in with the new" mentality has difficulty grasping.


I had the pleasure of attending a Greensboro Bats game in this stadium, and before we move I hope to attend a game in the 'new' park too.

Every time I visit GDP I learn something new about this city. I've seen Leatherheads and will have to go watch it again now - I had no idea it was in the movie!

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