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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


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Oh, I'd like that view best, too! I do like repurposing buildings, if it's the alternative to pulling them down altogether. We have a deconsecrated church in a nearby town which has been turned into three shops. It's odd to see a church supporting commerce, but I'm glad they kept the outer shell for posterity.

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)


An impressive looking old building! It looks like a place that holds many secrets! Fascinating!


What a neat old brick building!

Greensboro Daily Photo

As serendipity would have it, an article in our local newspaper (The News and Record) reveals that the Nussbaum Center for Entrepreneurship, currently located in the Revolution Mill Studios, needs to move from that location. It appears that Revolution Mill wants the space. The Center will need to raise $4 million to move and is asking the city for $1.2 million. Read more here



Hopefully, this business incubator will grow lots of jobs.


I like story of old buildings. This photo is gorgeous! Happy Wednesday!


That is one 'breathtaking' renovation of the old mill! thanks for that link (you all should check it out!)
And interesting that they kept the back with the original signage.
That article makes your town sound rather positive and supportive of entrepreneurship.

Roger Green

I LOVE repurposed buildings. It's so sound on many levels.

Great story, nice pic.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

barbara farr

They are repurposing the mills in Columbus, GA too. Most of them are being turned into condos.

Greensboro Daily Photo

They tried to turn these into condos but the structure made it cost prohibitive.

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