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« Our Very, Very... RED CLAY | Main | April Showers... Bring May Flowers »

Thursday, April 08, 2010


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Amazing beauty. The bees must go mad.


What a beautiful sight!'
I have never seen anything quite like it.


I love seeing these blooms! My family that visited Easter thought I must be wrong when I told them they were Redbud trees...because they were not red...I knew I was right though!

barbara farr

I love this. I had no idea the blooms came out all over the trunk.


Wow, that is spectacular! My mother in law is from the Carolinas and she's talked about redbud trees, but until now, i've never seen one in bloom. Beautiful.

Lori Lynn

So interesting. I have Eastern Redbud trees here too. I will post soon and we can compare east vs. west.

Tink *~*~*

Great tree - it looks pettable, like a plushie. I've never seen one before, so thanks for sharing it :)

Tink *~*~*


I guess I've never seen one, 'cause the trunk looks really strange.


Interesting shot. The blossoms look like lichens. Great colours.


I love this photo and most of your postings. Just wondered why you didn't post the closing of Greens Supper Club, a business in Greensboro for so many years, dating back to the Big Band, Ballroom dancing ere. Where you could get really dressed up to go dancing...

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