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Tuesday, April 06, 2010


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It's very popular in Sweden as well, with personalised licence plates. Some are funny, others are a bit weird but it often makes for a photo-op like here!




Luv it but no I wouldn't buy it

barbara farr

Great capture. I take great pleasure in trying to figure out these vanity tags (I don't have one myself).

Here is the link to one that I captured a while back: http://bfarr-nala.blogspot.com/2009/01/sign-of-times_28.html

I'm glad you got a chuckle out of the spring pollen shot : )



Israel has only boring numbers for our plates. But I remember seeing plates in California that would be funny only to Israelis/Hebrew speakers. Sorry, can't remember any of them, though.

Coco, I assumed cocoa before reading on.
Your state is lucky to have the airplane pictured. Kitty Hawk, eh?

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