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Thursday, April 01, 2010


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mary ann

Great idea for theme day, but then, I'm one of those that loves graffiti


What a great find! Though unlike Mary Ann, I'm not crazy about graffiti.


I just dislike their "unapproved" locations.

julie scottsdaledailyphoto.com

i like this interpretation and so artsy

Chuck Pefley

Great commentary with your serving of graffiti. I'm one of those fans of street art -:)


Another category is likeable graffiti and yucky graffiti. This one is a middle of the road tag for me!


Hi Jan, thank you for your compliment and friendly comment on my blog.
I am a big fan of Graffiti and I like these colors.
Greetings from Berlin:-)


Interesting! But, anyone who defaces public or private property should be arrested and dealt with appropriately - even if they are as talented as Michelangelo! :-)

Methinks those who think graffiti is somehow a legitimate form of expression would change their mind if the "artists" scribbled all over the exterior of their houses!

Abraham Lincoln

The work they did is neat.

Thanks for stopping and commenting on our April Fools Day post. I appreciate it and so does Patty.


I'm one who is conflicted about graffiti. On the back of a building facing the railway tracks, though, seems a nice distraction for passengers!
Great way to tie in so many elements with this find. And I like how the blue bubbles fit in

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