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« LUV COCO in NC | Main | Redbud Trees »

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


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Glad to find you! VERY familiar with the red clay :-) I grew up and went to school in High Point unitl college & my husband in Jamestown...haven't been back in years~last time I returned for the Furniture Market I'm embarrassed to say I got lost!


Very interesting and convincingly illustrated.

Magical Mystical Teacher

I won't tell you where I live (in a different part of the U.S., far, far from you), but I daresay our red clay rivals yours!

Choose a watery scene:
Waters of adventure
Fishing boats

Jane Mitchell

Informative. interesting and entertaining. Everyone should listen to The Red Clay Ramblers' "Dinah."


wow, look at that clay. Kauai has the same... just dye your clothing the same color ;-} fun colorful shot.

Larry D

Interesting photo, we have a lot of clay here as well but not red.

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