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Wednesday, April 28, 2010


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What do you mean, "If?" I can hear him clearly.


I support all animal rescues and only adopt pets. Yay for you too.

Roger Green

I thought only Martha could talk.

GOOD dog!

ROGER, ABC Wednesday team


Such a good cause! Yay Girl Scouts!
I like the reflections in your photo too.


What an Opportune time to promote such a worthy event. It would be awfully far for me to travel, but I'm there in spirit.


He's waiting for a 'yes' response! Obedient is good!


He looks ready to go! He's in good shape, too!

I hope the walk goes well - looks like you have some good causes lined up!


Nice looking Labrador. I'll bet that green thing doubles as a dog hitching post and a bike rack.

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