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« Decaying Contrails | Main | Virgin Mary Statue »

Saturday, April 17, 2010


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This looks like an out of the way place (judging by the garage doors!)
Love the six layer cake sculpture.

Dances Of Dreams

What a great and colorful building! If it's name delicious, it has to be delicious!


Beautiful colorful shot.

Louis la Vache

You made ol' «Louis» hungry just reading this!

[Editor to «Louis»: EVERYTHING makes YOU hungry!

«Louis» to Editor: Yeah?! Well right now I'm "hungry" to see how far into the next county my horns can launch YOU!

Editor: (GULP!) ]


Sounds wonderful, and the colors of the buildings and sky are delicious as well!


Yum. Cakes, cupcakes or cinnamon rolls. I like them all!

Ken Loftis

Thanks for the love Greensboro Daily Photo! "Delicious" is actually in the birthing pangs of relocating! 3700 Lawndale Dr (the old Pie Works spot in the old Fresh Market Shopping Center) will be your new home for original, unique to Greensboro, delightful bake shop treats. Sorry, no garage doors at the new local but there will be a parking lot with lines for patrons to enjoy!

Lisa Hitchcock

Don't judge a book by it's cover(the garage door comment). They made my Wedding and Groom's cake in 2004,to exact specifications (Purple Petunias and Purple Butterflies). Everyone who was at the Reception,to this day still raves about the Red Velvet Wedding cake and the Chocolate Carmel Praline Groom's cake. Very talented owners. I'm happy to see their business is growing!!

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