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« Concord Friends Meeting | Main | Easter Bunny's House on Hobbs Road »

Monday, March 29, 2010


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Save a seat for me.

Preston Earle

This is a very nice photo. I thank you for posting your pictures with the meta-data intact. Seeing some of the technical detils of your photos has helped my photography.


Very elegant looking restaurant. Happy Monday!

MYM~ Yellow tulips
Macro Monday


I really enjoyed the original location! Have not taken a fancy to the relocation - but the food is always good.


A lovely looking place, I really like the columns. I have to admit I find the wild flower honey Dijon spread very intriguing.

I was looking at some of your other posts, great photos. Thanks for the visit and comment. Have a great week.


There are so many great restaurants in Greensboro. I have missed this one, but it sounds delightful!


Dear Preston: Thank you for the kind comment. You found us. Now, weve found your blog. We always love it when we pick up a local reader, especially one with a blog! Were curious. Can you give us some idea about how our photos have helped you (specifically the technical data). Perhaps we can learn from what you are learning!!!



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