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« John 3:16, on the Lawn, on Holden | Main | Cycling on Church Street »

Monday, March 22, 2010


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hip chick

oh how pretty! Our daffodils are not up yet. We have a few crocus here and there through out town though.


How wonderful! I am ready for Spring!!


Very pretty! Spring flowers remind me of Easter, it's just around the corner. Can't wait!


I almost took pix of the flowers at the nursery yesterday. It's the first time I've seen them out this season.


i can see daffodils hehehe.. nice one.
My daffodils entry.

Sacred Ruminations

How delightful ;-)
I have a couple of yellow irises blooming in my yard with lots more ready to burst ... but no daffodils yet.
Hugs and blessings,

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