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« First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro | Main | It Takes a Village to Reenact a Battle »

Monday, March 15, 2010


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Abraham Lincoln

This looks like it is almost new. And what a picture it makes with the people in costume.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia

Beautiful capture and photo!
Looks like a lovely place to visit.
Darryl and Ruth : )


What a colorful scene. Well done re-enactments are definitely a treat, and yours looks and sounds great! Thanks for the invitation!


Of the 9 years I've been in Greensboro I've never attended and always meant to go. Every year it just sneaks up on me - this year I was in the house & when I heard & felt a loud boom. It took a while to figure out it was the cannon fire, every year I hear it and that is when I realize I've missed the event yet again. If our home doesn't sell this year, I will be practically camping out up there myself in 2011 so I don't miss it yet again! Despite the heavy rains the weekend was so beautiful when the sun was out.


I will try to attend next year, looks very interesting . Great pic.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Charlene, the reenactment is easy to miss. Since it is a public service event and not heavily promoted by the private sector, you kind of just have to remember. Think, around the ides of March.....

If you move, this would be a good weekend to bring your son back for a visit! History and loud noises, a great combo for young kids!


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