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Friday, March 05, 2010


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it's so pretty! nice capture!

My skywatch entry is up too.


i have been going through your blog and my! what a beautiful state you live in.
one time when we were in north carolina for a southern gospel concert, i just couldn't get over how many radio stations have gospel music..it is a very rare thing here in southern ontario.
such a shame!
the time we were there, the bus stopped at a small town where any of the passengers could go into town and shop.
a person could shop any old time of the day!
and the bus was parked along the ocean.
the FIRST time i have ever SEEN an ocean!
my sister, betty and me and a little elderly lady of eighty had our eyes set toward the ocean and without a thought, there we were in that vast body of water and swimming, dresses and all!
it was in the month of october and you should of seen the americans that were just walking along the shore...their faces were saying . "oh those crazy canadians!"
after all swimming season was over!
they, of course were way too polite to actually word this, and after ward we had a nice visit with them..
i love the american people so much!
thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog.
you know what?..i googled greensboro, nc and i found me some real nice listen on line southern gospel stations....thank you!!
with love from southern ontario..canada, terry[teresa]
god bless america and god bless all of the brave men amd women who are in the troops...fighting for freedom!

Living In Williamsburg, Virginia

Great moon shot! Lovely picture and lovely blog.
Greensburo looks like a nice place to visit.
Darryl and Ruth : )


Looks like Japan to me. Great moon shot.

happily retired gal

Wow ... I do love this shot! Just beautiful ;-)

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