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« Reenactment of the Battle of Guilford Court House | Main | David & Ginger Hildebrand of the Colonial Music Institute »

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


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Auntie E

That is so much fun to see history in the real life theater. Great for our Kids, brings it to life... Happy RT
My Ruby Link for you


the small child is adorable
a wonderful way to learn history


Very interesting event.

My Ruby Tuesday


Look at that perfect capture for Ruby Tuesday! Watched the re-enactment at Gettysburg some time ago... Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)


Nothing like a good breakfast before heading out to battle, I always say.


Great drama going on here. Love it.

Manang Kim

I so love to watch re-enactment so many lessons to be learned here. Happy Tuesday!

RT~What a deal


Great photo except for the anachronisms: Telephone pole, paved road visible in upper right and I would think hair styles 200+ years ago would sport longer hair.

Other than that the photo is a color vision into the past!

I was born in the wrong century.


Great pics ! I love history.

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