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« Houses of the Rainbow- Lemon Yellow | Main | Houses of the Rainbow- Pretty in Purple »

Thursday, March 11, 2010


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Louis la Vache

«Louis» enjoyed scrolling through your Rainbow theme. Good choice!

«Louis» thanks you for visiting San Francisco Bay Daily Photo!

Dina in Jerusaelm

Your rainbow of houses is quite amazing. This blue house is the prettiest so far, IMHO.

Los Angeles Suburbia

I like the perspective. Nice capture of tones and contrasts, and very nostalgic looking...a lovely photo.

barbara farr

Love the beautiful colors and your creative captures.


Your rainbow house pics are stunning !


What a pretty and delicate shade of blue!
Feel free to feature more houses from Fisher Park, especially if they're all this lovely. :)


oooh I love this one!

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