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« Houses of the Rainbow- Robin's Egg Blue | Main | Let's Bowl! »

Friday, March 12, 2010


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This has been a fun series. I was having a bet with myself to see which colour would be next. (I won)
I think I like the red colour best, but I love this house. And it looks like they are doing some work on it?


You've many amazing houses in Greensboro, indeed. A very nice photo again. My favourite is the yellow one.


Wow, that is a house you will notice!

leif hagen

This one is an absolute beauty! I just wonder what it looks like inside - antiques?! Yesterday's blue gem was grand also!

Jane Mitchell

Your series makes me want to hop in my car and tour Fisher Park and Aycock neighborhoods.


Definitely not your everyday color.


Lovely house. Seems like this type of architecture was quite common in the late 19th early 20th century as we have similar types of houses here in Boonton, NJ.

I am very curious to know how much such a house will cost in NC? Here, it can be very very easily half-a-million at least


A timely reminder of the beauty of homes in the past. We have similar posts today!
p.s. Are you near Goldsboro? My husband has family there and in Greenville. My recollection is that everyone is nice in N.C.

Seattle Daily Photo

Quite a painted laday, this lavender lovely! My fave in the series is the simple Robin's Egg Blue number, but I like the details in this one a lot. The yellow house was a bit too intense for me, but I liked their boldness for doing it. In these winter months it is nice to see these great colors.
Have a great weekend!


With that color, it seems like the Easter bunny should live there.


What a great coloured house, my favourite in your series. I would love to live there!

SplendidLittle Stars

enjoyed your "colored house" series! love the porch on this purple house!

Sacred Ruminations

Kewl series of colorful houses you've found to share here ... very 'Spring' like ;-)
Hugs and blessings,


cool house! There are a lot of similar looking houses where we live. a lot of sketchy run down ones but then there will be these beautiful bright Victorian style houses next door. I like the colorful ones :)

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