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« Houses of the Rainbow- Red | Main | Houses of the Rainbow- Robin's Egg Blue »

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


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A wonderful fresh-looking house. The yellow is beautiful, I must be nice to live in it. You always have spring...


Get me a hot dog. Quick!


Wow that is a bright yellow - I wonder if they are Green Bay Packer's fans!!


What an amazing and cheerful color for a house! I love the contrasting teal shutters (and chairs!) too. This just made me smile.

Jane Mitchell

Captain Basil J. Fisher who gave the land for the Fisher Park neighborhood would be proud if he could see it today, especially the well-maintained homes. I like the idea of having the neighborhood signage as well as the street name on display.


what a lovely house

makes u feel happy


Wow, that house has ZING!! And it's so pretty, too!

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)


Its bright but somehow it looks perfect for the house. Love your statement about the house being yellow with attitude.


Wow - that IS yellow! I wonder what the interior is like.

Roger Green

That is NOT mellow yellow.


That is one yellow building.


it would take some getting used to liking this house.
it IS rather stunning.
my husband says that it would look really nice in the summer time.
the turquoise shutters go very well.
the white framed windows, the front door antique light and most of all the tall trees with their slender trunks are what i like most about this house.
after looking at it now for the past seven minutes, i really do think that i have got used to liking it!
and how could the occupants be anything but sunny characters?!
they must be and they would probably even serve your fort lauderdale
friend a good old fashioned american hot dog and offer her to sit down on one of those turquoise lawn chairs on a warm sunny summer day!

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