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Wednesday, March 03, 2010


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Nice sculpture. I like the little listener on the trumpet. It's very cute.


I like that "simple" design of the photo - well in style with the sculpture. The Gnome on the trumpet dotted the i.


Heehee. I like the little girl on top of the trumpet too! Cute.

Manang Kim

This sculpture is very unique so love the little guy on top of the trumpet!

G is for Gold

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day

It's a very attractive piece of sculpture, one that you'd like to feel and touch but if it's three stories high, I suppose that's not going to happen! I'd love to know more about it.


Nice sculpture


Very nice - Huge, isn't it?


I recognize the work of Tom Otterness.
He also has a series of many sculptures in the 14th Street subway station in NYC and many more sculptures scattered around (including Toronto).


John | Daily Photo Gallery

Interesting sculpture, especially the little creature at the end of the trumpet. How high is the creature if the actually statue is 3 stories?

Roger Green

Wow. It has the look of an old-fashioned cartoon.

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