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« Signs of Spring are Everywhere | Main | Jailhouse Rock »

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


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hip chick

Great picture!! It looks as if you were in a vehicle right behind them!

Auntie E

Great capture, always have the camera ready. Looked like a great day for bicycling.
Making it easier for you to visit.
My Ruby Link for you


If you are interested in Greensboro Trails check out our website or fan page on Facebook for events, maps and area trail info!


Ah, cycling weather...at last!


I like watching a bicycle tour, as everyone is obeying the rules of the road and acting a bit more responsible, at least to those who are merely aiming their cars down the rood...biking is a wonderful non-impact exercise


Certainly lots and lots of red for Ruby Tuesday! Great photo!!

My Ruby Tuesday

ann chin

you are rigth about now you see them, then you don't . I have tried to take photos of cyclist, and have yet to take such as good one as yours.

Thanks for visiting.

Small Reflections

Perfect shot for Ruby Tuesday ... and I see a touch of yellow too ;-)
Sorry to be visiting so late, but last week just got away from me!
Hugs and blessings,


You guys turned in an ameoswe performance at Three Forks Baptist Church on May 29th .your shaped note performance really moved me. Thank you for your ministry, your message, and your love for the Lord!

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