Earth Fare organic and whole foods supermarket is an Asheville, NC -based company. Our local store is located at 2965 Battleground Avenue. To the uninitiated, Earth Fare sells more than granola and bulk foods! They offer everything from a daily soup, salad, and hot bar to hormone-free meat and dairy to seasonal treats. Here we see some candies to fill Easter baskets. Earth Fare has super-pleasant employees, who will talk to you about anything you want to discuss (Which herbs will help me sleep? Which cheese is best paired with these crackers? Where is a good place nearby to bike on a trail?....etc.). Also, customers are so friendly and helpful to each other. When we go into Earth Fare, it is as if we step out of the rat race and, for the duration of our grocery shopping, are transported to a world where people care-- about each other and about the earth!
"Fare" is a centuries-old word meaning, go, travel, get along, succeed, eat, and dine." Earth Fare, what a great name for a health food grocery store.