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« Jesse Jackson & Franklin McCain Together in Greensboro | Main | The Many Faces of Greensboro »

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


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Nice photo. F. W. Woolworth... that's a blast for the past.


I'm glad you asked me to make sure to come by today. This is a beautiful cup! For the artistry, yes, but even more so because of what it stands for. I had to go back to read your two previous posts. I sometimes find it hard to wrap my mind around the idea of racial segregation. But when I witness instances of racial discrimination, then it becomes easy to imagine how it happened. I pray that someday, we will all become mature enough to realize that the color of ones skin, hair or eyes doesn't really mean anything. (Maybe except that some people, including me, get more sun than others.)


Sit-in goes mainstream. That's pretty interesting, and a nice object, too. Haveing come of age in that era, I can say I'll bet few people thought this would happen!

Sylvia Kirkwood

It is indeed beautiful for what it stands for. It is an era I will never forget and for several reasons. We haven't conquered discrimination, but we've moved a long way from where we were then! Marvelous post for the day.



What a great piece! Very creative and as you say, powerfully symbolic!


What a wonderful bronze! And I really like the street name "February 1 Place".

Keep it coming ....... and thanks for your comment yesterday on my blog -:)


Great images. Congratulations.


That's really cute.
Also, On behalf of the ABC team, thanks for participating.


An interesting piece of artwork - and history.


Well, that's certainly interesting, and a very unusual work of art!

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

Roger Green

WOW. I remember the incident upon which the design was based, but never saw the memento before. WAY cool.


Terrific! Terrific!

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