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Friday, February 12, 2010


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What a dangerous wind indeed, but gladly anything still ok. Instead the weather that comes out after the storm are usually more interesting, so quiet, peaceful, great sky comes out like anything was never happened before, and this picture gives me all that feeling. nice shot my "neighbor" (I'll do the tradition also from now on), :)

happily retired

Lovely blue skies after the strong winds causing this damage. Reminds me of what it looks like here in So Cal after Santa Ana winds.
Hugs and blessings,


I got a picture of the crane and crew repairing the steeple at Centenary Methodist church today. its kinda blurry cause i used a camera phone thru my car window. will email or facebook to you.


That's a great shot and boy did we get a lot of wind too. It was pretty amazing.


My wife told me that 49 states had snow fall reported today ... Hawaii was the only hold out. Guess that's where we should all head.


Jan, am I the only one who has trouble posting a comment here?
For the last few months, it seldom works when I hit Post.

Well, just know that I am visiting and
enjoying your posts.


This photo is a piece of art, with the trees, the blue of the sky, house, shadows and broken lamp.

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