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« 50th Anniversary of the Sit-In Movement | Main | Sit-in Art: A Cup of Freedom »

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


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leif hagen

There's Jesse! Wow - nice celebrity photo! I thought of you yesterday when they talked on the national TV news about the "sit-in" anniversary in Greensboro!


Nice personal moment that I'm sure was fleeting. Well spotted and captured. I thought of you, too, last night when I saw the piece on NBC about the museum opening. Only then did I put 2 & 2 together and realize it was this Woolworth store lunch counter. My apologizes for missing that connection when I made my last comment.


Great shot for the Black History month!


You did your share in spreading the word! Did you get a chance to snap yourself with the Reverent? He is a true legend of America. Very passionate in his work. Your photo captured the moment perfectly. May be some day you picture will and up in a history museum.

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