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Friday, February 19, 2010


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hip chick

I so miss those old fashioned types of shops. Now, if your shoes break you are pretty much out of luck.
This is such a neat street corner. Even the street names are fun! I should want to walk here all the time if it was in my neighborhood.


You're very fortunate. Could have been a tattoo parlor.

Manang Kim

Yup so hard to find this kind of store now. When our shoes broke the first thing we do is to dump it and buy a new one, expensive!! Good that the business is back. Happy weekend!



Glad to hear the good news. Our town here on Long Island has lost one business after another & it takes years for a new shop to open.
This looks like a nice place. I love the awning. I wonder what will become of the old sign?
Nice sky too.


I hate to see old, reliable and established, businesses disappear. Yesterday I was walking along a "new" block of businesses located at the street level of a residential / office building and found myself aghast at the trendy names and styles within ... and wondering how long these business might last.


I too love the old hardware stores. Whenever we see one traveling we stop in and that is where we have purchased many of our favorite keepsakes and interesting items!
At least there will be something new moving in and the building will remain.

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