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Wednesday, January 20, 2010


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Jane Mitchell

Very special. A nice write-up about one of our outstanding academic institutions. They host the summer Eastern Musical festival which draws talent from everywhere and their early college program has received national attention.


I love the way the buildings are blurred out by the fog!

J Bar

Top shot.


Oh, it brings back memories. Though I must admit I was not returning from church, but going "through the woods" in front of
Foust Building to reach Jackson Library (on a sister campus). Days like this always make me feel transported.


That is a lot of Quaker history and a fine photo.


This is a beautiful photo, catching everyday life and elevating it to be more than just a girl walking in the fog ...


I love the mood created by this photograph. Very well done.


grazie di essere passato nel mio blog...
questa foto mi piace molto.....
Buon fine settimana :-)


The photo lives a deep impression - look like she is pushing against some imaginary force - great moment!

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