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Sunday, January 24, 2010


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Great post, J. Occasionally, someone will bring these storebought votive candles in to our chapel and place them before a statue or an some image, asking for the particular saint's prayers and intercession before God. Unfortunately, we have to remove these candles immediately - they are a fire hazard. We are able to use "sanctuary candles", however, which are made specifically for this purpose - their glass is stronger, their is no paint or paper on the glass, and the wax is a greater percentage of beeswax.

I'm curious why they separate the male and female images!?!? Perhaps a cultural thing.


Btw, good job on the post. Your historical facts and information are perfect!


An interesting dose of culture. Thanks.


Separating the male/female iconographic candles seems unusual until I think back to my childhood when the Baptist retreat had male/female segregated swimming!
You always provide food for thought.

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