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Thursday, December 17, 2009


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"Where everybody knows your name..."

Jane Mitchell

As a resident of Ridgeway DRIVE, I would like to remind you of our proper designation. I must admit, however, that it does seem more like an avenue these days!!

Urban Cluj

I remember a similar busy day at a postal office in America back in 2006. Then the employees, friendly as well, asked if we didn't want to buy collectible stamps. No one wanted.

Susie of Arabia

I sure don't miss those lines at the post office this time of year... but I DO miss just about everything else!


It's that time of year......to stand in a long line!?!?!? This was nice to read. When there's a long line at our post office people are usually pretty grumpy! Perhaps people are less patient in California.


From my edge of Greensboro, it's quicker this time of year to go to the post office at Sedalia. Same concept. They have, however stopped asking me what's wrong with my 97 QVC packages!

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