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Tuesday, December 08, 2009


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Magical Mystical Teacher

Bell-ringers call us
to open hearts and wallets
to those who are poor.

My Ruby Tuesday


What a lovely photo! I never pass a bucket by without dropping something into it. When I was growing up in England we used to fondly call them the "Sally Army". That goes as far back as I can remember. They heralded the Christmas season by gathering in town in a small group and singing Christmas Carols. You've brought back a lot of great memories, thank you.

Auntie E

Nice post. what a big Kettle, I do not think I have ever seen one the large.
I have gingerbread houses up for RT.Link in my name.


Good of them to be there yet so sad that we need them so badly.

Jane Mitchell

I understand that the kettles now are equipped with a machine similar to the one at gas stations that accepts credit cards. It spits out two receipts--one for the kettle (they pay the fees) and one for the donor. What a modern world we live in. JTM


I still wonder how much more money they would make by not ringing that bell?

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