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Tuesday, December 29, 2009


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Oh my that is so pretty. At first I thought it's a pink rose but it's a cabbage. I have seen a red cabbage but this is the first that is pink. So lovely thanks for sharing! Happy New year!

Homemade Salsa and Tomato sauce

You Got A Posty

Cabbage?? so beautiful, I'm wondering how it tastes like?

Happy New Year!

You Got A Posty


Who knew that cabbage could be so pretty?


reminds me of a fancy Southern Belle dress with a hoop skirt and many ruffles. love this picture!


Every year I have the hardest time finding ornamental cabbage - the really purple/pink ones like this. I think I'm either too late or to early when I get the chance to go looking for them - and thanks to the ravenous bunnies, squirrels & chipmunks in our neighborhood, growing just about anything from seed is futile here. Beautiful picture.


Wow! Beats any rose in looks. But does it smell like cabbage?


It looks like a beautiful flower, never seen something like this.
Gorgeous colors, great shot.

Mary Lee

Lovely plant, lovely picture. . . perfect for Pink Saturday blog! :)

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