With all of the rain, 2009 is a great year for Christmas trees. They are plump, green, and healthy. Here we see two men wrapping a live tree and just about to hoist it on the truck. This was taken at Fred & Dot Wagoner Christmas Trees at the New Garden Location. The Wagoners have been selling Christmas trees in Greensboro since 1969. In an article a few years ago, they discuss the fact that people are buying their trees earlier and that they usually clear their lot by about December 20th. So if you still want a live tree, time is of the essence!
We hope to link this photo to Ruby Tuesday. Red is EASY to find this time of year!
Xmas tree lots here have already begun to close.
Posted by: B^2 | Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 08:22 AM
We've purchased Christmas trees and greenery from the Wagoners for years . . .a sure-fire way to stimulate local economy! I think there will still be some Charlie Brown trees waiting on Christmas Eve for a home!
Posted by: Alice | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 05:30 AM
Great picture. We bought the tree for our Church today. The lot owner gave us a 40% discount. God bless him.
Posted by: FA | Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 11:53 PM