Today, we bring you Sacred Sunday direct from Greensboro College. Greensboro College is a methodist-affiliated, private, co-ed college that was founded in 1838. For over seventy years, they have featured this depiction of the birth of Jesus on the West Market Street edge of campus. In 2007, the creche was vandalized. Fortunately, a new one is in place and, although on the Biblical calendar, technically the wise men have not yet arrived, we wanted to share this scene on Sacred Sunday. This nativity scene looks majestic with the snow around it.
If you are looking for a year-end tax write off, Greensboro College has been struggling with the economic downturn. Please consider dropping a few dollars in their coffer. See details here. This little college attracts the nicest students and has some fabulous faculty members.
Very nice indeed.
But someone once vandalized a manger scene?! Oi, that is sad.
Posted by: Dina | Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 08:52 AM
I am always so excited when you check in. It takes me to your site which I believe is one of the most effective blogs of City Daily. Your photos and text are so informative and artistic designed. The best to you as well this year. I'll be leaving Bend Oregon soon but you'll be able to follow me on my trip on my other blog. I hope we can stay in touch.
Posted by: Lee Spangler | Monday, December 28, 2009 at 01:48 AM
Actually, this manger scene was, I believe, at Pilot Life Insurance Company for many decades and comes to Greensboro College about 15 years ago. One year it was vandalied by some over exhuberant undergraduates who "adopted" one of the sheep who looked "lonely." Unfortunately there was much more serious and malicious vandalism several years later. Though not visible in the photo, pyrmids and the flight to Egypt have been added.
What a good year's work you have done, bringing pleasure and information to so many peole. Thank you!
Posted by: Alice | Monday, December 28, 2009 at 06:53 PM