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Monday, December 07, 2009


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hip chick

It does look as if it was taken years ago. It's nice to know that some things never change.


I do comment here and there but it was the size of the thing that caused me to give up SkyWatch.


I don't think I've ever scene a nativity with the whole town of Bethlehem. Very unique.


Beautiful little scene, and nostalgic in b&w. I love those window displays! Also I learned something--'putz' means 'to clean'? I must now go putz about with my new vacuum cleaner.

John McDevitt

Agreed. This is timeless and a nice testimonial in B&W.


It really is a beautiful picture. It makes me want to be there, looking, too.


Reminds me of the department store windows we use to have in downtown Birmingham. Sadly they've all closed now. I would love to see this village in person.

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