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Saturday, December 12, 2009


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leif hagen

Wow - great colors and I love the artwork on the long way! I hope the coffee and treats can match the delicious surroundings!


I feel that it is warm and welcoming here. Thank you for the comment in Moscow blog!


Such an inviting room. I especially like the yellow wall.

Lee Spangler

Since I've been bad, I atoned by going back and reading and looking at at least forty of your pix and posts. I sure learned a lot about your town and enjoyed many shots. The furniture store, the rooster crossing the road, the I-40 sunset etc. I still think your town should adopt your blog and pay you for marketing. You do such a cogent job. I'd be glad to go to that restaurant to see that mural of the town. I always appreciate hearing form you as well.

fondly, Lee


It must be the perfect place to stop after the Saturday shopping.

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